The Luxembourg Naturalist Society

The cover of the latest issue nr 120 / 2018 of the Bulletin de la SNL

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The Luxembourg Naturalist Society (SNL) was founded in 1890. It merged in 1907 with the former Grand Ducal Botanical Society. The Luxembourg Naturalist Society is an association with more than 400 members.


Dr Simone Schneider, chairwoman,


  • Conferences
  • Guided excursions
  • Determining courses
  • Working groups in botany, entomology and mycology
  • Since 1891 annual publication of the “Bulletin de la Société des naturalistes luxembourgeois”. The complete series is available online since 2006.

Working groups

Any member of the SNL can register without additional expenses to one or more of the following working groups active within the Society. To be registered, contact the person in charge of the working group.

Botanical research group of the SNL

Stiff clubmoss, Lycopodium annotinum, Albu, Estonia, 16.11.2012. Author: Ireen Trummer. Source: Wikimedia Commons. CC-BY-SA-3.0The botanical working group of the SNL was created in 1987. It brings together the Luxembourg botanists interested in vascular plants. The activities mainly comprise excursions, the publication of floristic notes in the bulletin of the SNL, and collection of data in view of the publication of an atlas of the endangered plants of Luxembourg. The meetings are held at the Scientific Research Centre of the National Museum of Natural History (24 rue Münster, Luxembourg).

Contact person: Dr Guy Colling ()

Entomological research group of the SNL

The Beautiful Demoiselle (Calopteryx virgo, Calopterygidae). Baierbrunn, Munich, Germany. Author: Richard Bartz. 24.03.2009. Source: Wikimedia Commons. CC-BY-SA-2.5.Since 1975 the entomological working group brings together people interested in the study of the insect fauna of Luxembourg and surrounding areas. The main objectives are the inventory, the follow-up, the hierarchical categorization, and the conservation of the entomological fauna. Strict ethical rules are followed in conformity with the national and international legislations. The observations are registered in databases and the specimens are preserved in collections. A close co-operation exists with the National Museum of Natural History whose staff manages a universal database and a collection of reference of the Greater Region. Members of the working group organize and animate excursions, exhibitions and conferences. They regularly publish the results of their research, in particular in the bulletin of the SNL.

Contact person: Raoul Gerend ()

Mycological research group of the SNL

Shaggy scalycap, Pholiota squarrosa, Strophariaceae. Erbach, Ringingen, Germany, 14.10.2013. Author: H. Krisp. Source: Wikimedia Commons. CC-BY-3.0.Since 1983 the mycological working group brings together people interested in the study of the fungi of Luxembourg. The goal is to seize the observations in a database, to preserve specimens in herbaria, to describe the recorded fungi, and to publish the results of the research activities. The members organize excursions, exhibitions and meetings for species identification, they advice the general public on toxic mushrooms and follow up the conservation of habitats that are important for fungal diversity. The meetings are held at the House of Nature in Kockelscheuer.