18:30 - 20:00
Lieu de l'activité / du RV
Musée national d'histoire naturelle
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par Alain Frantz, conservateur-stagiaire du MNHNL. Conférence publique en langue luxembourgeoise sur les apports des outils génétiques dans la gestion cynégétique et dans des cas judiciaires en relation avec la faune sauvage.
Abstract: Most people will be familiar with the use of DNA in human forensics and will have heard that traces of DNA left at the scene of a crime can be used to identify potential suspect. It is perhaps less well-known that genetic profiling of animals and plants can be used in similar contexts. I am going to present examples of how genetic identification of the identity of species and individuals has been used to solve both court cases and cases of wildlife crime and how DNA tools are useful in regulating international wildlife trade. Finally, I am going to present examples from my own research on the detecting of trafficking of red deer.
Organisation: SNL en coopération avec le MNHNL et la Fondation faune-flore.